La Macina di San Cresci


“Artists are interesting creatures. We can be obsessive, dedicated, spirited and single minded in our pursuit for that perfect realisation of our art. We tend to be outsiders and are often that square peg in the round hole, so when you find an oasis like San Cresci you hold on tight -- for it’s that sense of belonging which welcomes you.”
Rebecca Rath , Australia

  • Discipline: Drawing, Painting
  • Country: UK
  • At La Macina: 2015

 I graduated from Lincoln University¬ with a BA Hons in Illustration. I work in a varied number of different painting mediums. I mainly focus on oils or a mixture of watercolour and gouache. I also work with digital painting mediums to produce fast responsive work.
I mostly focus on Landscape paintings. I have also been known to feature figures and animals in my paintings. My work is very colourful and vibrant. There is an element of a surrealist quality due to the strong focus of direction of light and fall of shadows upon the subjects.