La Macina di San Cresci


“Artists are interesting creatures. We can be obsessive, dedicated, spirited and single minded in our pursuit for that perfect realisation of our art. We tend to be outsiders and are often that square peg in the round hole, so when you find an oasis like San Cresci you hold on tight -- for it’s that sense of belonging which welcomes you.”
Rebecca Rath , Australia

  • Discipline: Dance, Choreography
  • Country: USA
  • At La Macina: 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019

Originally from New England, Carol Abohatab began migrating west in 1986, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and a Master of Fine Arts from Mills College in Oakland, both in Dance Performance and Choreography. In 1998, she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and formed the Vanguard Dance Company. Inspired by a need to create, she set out to allow aspiring dancers to dance side-by-side with professionals from the community, focusing on finding wit and inventiveness in the language of dance.