La Macina di San Cresci


“Artists are interesting creatures. We can be obsessive, dedicated, spirited and single minded in our pursuit for that perfect realisation of our art. We tend to be outsiders and are often that square peg in the round hole, so when you find an oasis like San Cresci you hold on tight -- for it’s that sense of belonging which welcomes you.”
Rebecca Rath , Australia

  • Discipline: Drawing, Mixed media, Installation
  • Country: Philippines
  • At La Macina: 2016

An interdisciplinary artist who incorporates performance, sculpture, video, sound, print and painting to explore my subject matters, using lightness and play as an entry point to an arena of complex and layered ideas about power, history, violence and choice. Indeed these four are frequently part of discourses of Southeast Asian contemporary art, an essential strand of which revolves around tensions opposing individuals and authority.