María Crimella was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1987.
She is currently majoring in Visual Arts (Painting) in the IUNA (National Art Institute). She is finishing her career with a 5 part course (Proyectual) directed by Carlos Bissolino, where she has had several teachers like Pablo Siquier, VivianaBlanco, AgustínFernándezand ItamarHartavi, all of them working contemporary artist.
She has also gone to several private courses and institutes that gave her different tools, which she now uses in her works.
During 2012 she is taking part of the workshop "Espacioparaartistasjóvenes" ("Young artists workshop") tutor by Alejandra Roux in the Guillermo Roux Foundation, and in 2011 she took the "Taller de producciónescrita" ("Essay production workshop") taught by AgustínFernándezand Pablo Siquier. Between 2008 and 2010, she went to the private study of HéctorMeana.
At the beginning of her studies in IUNA, Crimellawas interested in scenography, which was why she took the "Set design production workshop" in the Theater Colon's Institute, directed by Gerardo Pietrapertosa–chief set productorof the Colon Theater–that lasted two years. She worked as such between 2008 and 2010 in, along with Franco Fasoli, Edgar O'CampoOrozco and Miriam Escandarini.
Meanwhile, outside her academic activities, she assisted Pablo Siquierin july2012 in the construction of the mural of his authorship, placed in Tecnópolis–interdisciplinary megashowof art, science and technology–. She has also made her own murals privately, for the brand FOLK.
Since 2010, she teaches art in her private study and creates along with her chef sister a kids' workshop called "Taller aguay aceite" (Water and Oil Workshop), which targets a union between art and cookery where creativity is always present: for example, an activity is to develop edible paintings.